People in France

encountering God

Our Vision is to see increasing numbers of people in France encountering God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – through the work and witness of local evangelical churches

As a support organisation, we provide targeted, strategic support to help the French evangelical church move closer to achieving its own goals.

At a national level, we therefore support the vision of the CNEF (National Council of French Evangelicals) summed up in the slogan “1 pour 10,000” – meaning one evangelical church for every 10,000 people in France. As the current population of France is over 65 million, there would need to be over 6,500 evangelical churches in France to have “1 pour 10,000”. That means there are still over 4,000 churches that need to be planted before the goal is achieved…

And while it’s exciting to know that a new evangelical church is planted somewhere in France every 10 days, unless that growth rate accelerates, it will take over 100 years to plant an additional 4,000 churches.

God has brought wonderful growth to the French evangelical church over recent decades, but there is still a huge amount to be done. Your prayers and practical support are as important as ever!

Our People in France, sent out from the UK and working in French Churches.

Most of our partners in France belong to the Perspectives church-planting network. Explore the interactive map and a full list of Perspectives’ churches on their website. We’ll be adding more information here about individual workers in due course.

Our People in the UK helping France Mission fulfil its vision.

Our Story began in 1974 when a few British Francophiles set up a charitable Trust to help support the work of evangelical churches in France.

In the early 1970s there were only 150,000 evangelicals in France and finding one of their churches was often a major challenge! But prayer changes things...

God has brought wonderful growth to the evangelical church in France in recent years, thanks in part to the faithful prayers of believers not only in France but also in Britain and around the world. France Mission sees this prayer support as vital.

There are now 650,000 believers in France (nearly 1% of the population) and 2,500 churches. Over the past five decades, the Lord has used France Mission to send out prayer materials, raise financial support, and recruit gospel workers for His purposes in France.

Initially this support ministry was led by Peter Farley, one of the original founders of France Mission. In 2010 he was succeeded by Paul Cooke as France Mission’s UK Director. Paul is well supported by a wonderful group of Trustees and other volunteers.

Our Partners enable us to provide targeted, strategic support to help the French evangelical church.

In France


From the start, the UK charity France Mission worked very closely with a French church-planting organisation called France-Mission (same name apart from the hyphen!). In 2018, France-Mission voted to merge with another French church union called Vision-France. The name of the merged organisation is Perspectives and their strapline is: “Des églises, une mission” (= “Various churches, one mission”). Perspectives remains the main French partner for France Mission in the UK. We share prayer news about their various projects, help recruit British members for their church-plant teams and, thanks to the amazing generosity of donors, support people and projects involved in the work of Perspectives across France.


Perspectives is part of an umbrella organisation called the CNEF (National Council of French Evangelicals), similar to the Evangelical Alliance in the UK. We sometimes partner with organisations and institutions linked to the CNEF whose work extends beyond the network of Perspectives churches, for example the Evangelical Theology Faculty at Vaux-sur-Seine and the Bible Institute at Nogent-sur-Marne.

In the UK

Global Connections

France Mission is a member of Global Connections, the UK network for world mission. Although we have a very specific geographical focus, we want our work to be informed by wider discussions about Christian mission and being part of Global Connections helps us with that.
FM’s UK Director, Paul Cooke, is a member of Global Connections’ Council.

France Mission is a member of MAP (Mission Action Partnership) in Northern Ireland.

Evangelical Alliance

France Mission is a member of the Evangelical Alliance; we’ve adopted the EA’s Basis of Faith as our own.


As a member of the South-West Agencies Network (SWAN), France Mission is able to bring a French perspective to SWAN’s work of helping churches and university Christian Unions in South Wales and South-West England connect with the global church.

Our Annual Report shows how we use the generous gifts provided by supporters.

Please Note: When France Mission was founded in 1974, it was registered with the Charity Commission as a Charitable Trust (no. 267979). For administrative reasons, we changed our status to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in December 2017 and our new registered charity number is 1176433.

Download our latest Annual Report